Travelling to Korea Part 1 : Gamcheon Culture Village, Machu Picchu of Korea, Santorini of Korea


Its been ages since the last post. I think adulthood really hits me hard. Too busy to even write one simple blog post. Anyway, hopefully you guys in a great condition and have fun reading my travel experience.

Recently I went to Korea. Not to find my oppa though. haha just want to experience the world and see the culture difference. Having quite few times travelling outside Malaysia, I can surely say, Malaysia is still the best place for my everyday life. 

I actually don't know where to start. 


Maybe we should start from Gamcheon Culture Village. I think, I get my best picture during the trip in this place. I make it as my profile picture all over my sns. haha 

I think I'm quite beautiful in this pic. >-<

Gamcheon Culture Village is located in Busan, South Korea. Often called the 'Machu Picchu of Korea' or 'Santorini of Korea'. It has labyrinth-like alleys and houses that area beautifully painted in pastel colors. Picturesque attraction featuring a village of colorful houses, painted murals, shops & cafes. Rows of colorful terraced houses along the mountainside. The fact that it was built on terraced fields means none of the houses block their neighboring house's view.  Vibrantly-painted murals and interesting sculptures around the village.

The entrance fee is free. 

You should really went there early morning so that you can walk around by yourself / your group. I think around 9.30am, this village started to get a bit crowded with other tourists. By then, you need to queue if you want to take picture with some attraction in there like the little prince statue. And yes, I hate queueing so I don't mind not having one picture with the little guy. haha

Fish shape mural near the entrance

I can help, haha

Together with Jimin and Jungkok

The whole team, BTS. 

The little prince but not the sculpture version

Stealing his star

I Love Gamcheon

View of the village from another angle

Sculptures mom and her son giving food to cats

Too aesthetics to not snap a picture

Play the sound to your heart

Finish visiting every part of the village.

One piece of advice for those inactive person like me. Please prepare your heart and mental to walk around the village. I mean, you surely need to visit all over the village and see all those beautiful murals and sculptures. You have to walk all the alleyways, hiking the stairs and the road. It is tiring. haha but then looking at the bright side, you can easily achieve your 10,000+ steps in a second. I'm having mix feelings. Haha There's so much to see, I just post one bit of the pictures I take when I went there. 

And do come early in the morning if you don't want to bump to other tourists' groups, by then, all the places, either you need to queue or the picture you take full with other people presences. 

Plan your itinerary, I think, for this village, the best allocated time to visit every part of the village maybe around 4 hours. In case you might want to have some coffee time in the cafe. I'll list these few other blogs, so you can find your way to this village and see the attractions in there;


Okay, till next post. Assalamualaikum. 


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