
Showing posts from 2016

Pengguna Barang Harian

  Barang kegunaan harian kita. Klu kita tak menyertai kita juga beli dimaket biasa (sebahagiannya). Dimarket biasa keuntungan diambil hanya oleh pemilik market sahaja. Disini dikongsi bersama. Berjemaah. Saling membantu.    Bagaimana meramaikan pengguna(barang harian) di bawah kumpulan anda?   KAMI BANTU!!! Hantarkan nama 10 facebook (5 perempuan dan 5 rakan lelaki yg telah berumahtangga) Anugerah Rezeki akan hantar/forward Surat pelawaan kepada mereka. Mudah bukan? Kerja anda semakin mudah. Ayuh bertindak sekarang! Mesagger nama facebook Kawan yg anda hendak bantu. Mesenger ke Anugerah Rezeki ya.  Sekarang!   Sekarang!  Sekarang! Untuk Pendaftaran Rakan Pengguna 😆 Sila nyatakan butiran berikut Dan yuran pendaftaran RM50.00 ke akaun berikut MD TAHIR SALAMAN  #Maybank: 101468051849 1) Nama: 2) No IC: 3) Tarikh lahir: 4) Alamat: 5) e-mail: 6) Nama pewaris: 7) No IC pewaris: 8) No bank : 9) Nama bank: Bagaimana meramaikan pengguna dikumpul

PondokHidayah Ruang Jualan Anda!

Image  Ruang untuk anda iklankan produk. Peluang anda membuat income dari komisen belian rakan-rakan anda. Ruang iklan terkini. Daftar percuma! Setelah anda mendaftar percuma, anda akan diberi alamat web atas nama anda. Sebarkan. Mereka yang mendaftar akan automatik berada dalam kumpulan anda. Jika mereka membeli, anda akan mendapat komisen. Anda boleh semak dan rekod jualan anda di E-Wallet. Seronokkan! Dapatkan ruang iklan anda di

Food Review 1 : Little Nyonya at Setia City Mall

Assalamualaikum geng.. hohok orait gelak aq dah convert from 'hahak' to 'hohok' sebab mcm rare sikit dengan sedikit sentuhan awkward kat situ.. so juz nice.. hohok orait.. nak dijadikan cerita, aq rase dalam dua tiga hari lepas kot, aq singgah makan kat Setia City Mall, saje jenjalan sambil aim nak berbuka kat Little Nyonya tu... asalnye.. time aq stay kat Johor, adik aq cter yang dyorg ade g makan Little Nyonya and makanannye sedap.. harga pown berpatutan,. so aq macam bermonolog dalaman sendiri .. 'amboi, g makan tak ajak aq seyh, what the heck??!' gitu~~ hahak btw, aq and adik aq ade menjalankan satu sistem ni.. if kitorg dpt result okay (cth, dean's list ;p ) , for anything la.. exam ke.. lau masuk contest menang ke.. or I could say.. an achievement la gitu~ kitorg akan mintak mak belanja kitorg makan special2.. yang jarang2 dpt pergi dalam hidup sehari2... So, kan result sem 5 aq and adik aq okay.. so ape agi.. Let's go ajelah.. after aq balik k

Firdaus Kitchen - Penghantaran Ke Rumah Anda (Sekitar Kawasan Parit Raja)

Whatsapp Ke 0147067995 (Firdaus) / 0176698769 (Iqbal) Untuk Sebarang Pertanyaan & Tempahan  Assalamualaikum geng, abang and adik aq ade buat business kecil-kecilan .. kalau korang tinggal sekitar Parit Raja .. jangan malu2.. jangan segan2 nak try makanan-makanan yang sedap2 dari Firdaus Kitchen.. kalau2 rasa malas nak keluar rumah tu.. tak yah risau.. Firdaus Kitchen ADA sediakan perkhidmatan DELIVERY~~ Weng2 Vroom2 pastu sampai depan umah korang.. Setiap hari menu yang berbeza tau.. dah la murah.. ade delivery lagi.. why not.. try sekali.. confirm nanti korang mesti nak lagi.. >_< MENU SEKARANG ;- 1) Nasi Ekonomi (RM2.50) 2) Mee Bandung Udang (RM6.00) Tapi lau agak2 korang tak minat makanan dalam menu, jangan risau.. korang follow and like aje page Firdaus Kitchen , aq dah link kan sekali kat perkataan tu.. click aje.. korang boleh update hari2 .. sebab ade menu berbeza setiap hari.. bila2 agak2 makanan favourite korang keluar.. korang cepat2 order.. sebab

Maisarah Beauty Shoppe

Whatsapp Ke 0108200023 (Ummi Sarah) Untuk Sebarang Pertanyaan & Tempahan SHAKLEE - SET LENGKAP IBU MENGANDUNG   (^_^) Setiap Ibu Mengandung pasti mahukan bayi dalam kandungannya mendapat khasiat yang terbaik untuk pembesaran yang sempurna dan pertumbuhan otak yang cemerlang. Set Mengandung Shaklee memenuhi kesemua keperluan Ibu Hamil dengan rangkaian produknya. Boleh disesuaikan dengan bajet yg Ibu ada dan harga SANGAT2 JIMAT & BERBALOI !! Whatsapp :- 0108200023 (Ummi Sarah) Facebook : - Maisarah Beauty Shoppe    NURRAYSA BEAUTY - PRODUK KECANTIKAN MESRA WUDUK   (^_^) Maksud mesra wuduk ialah mudah di cuci dan mudah di tanggalkan bukannya tidak perlu dicuci sebelum mengambil wuduk . Tanggalkan semua lapisan faundation, bedak, lipstik, eyeliner, blusher, eyebrow, eyeshadow dan mascara. Cuci sebersihnya sehingga tanggal habis Set Makeup Nurraysa Beauty tidak mengandungi SILIKON dan mudah dicuci untuk berwuduk. Tidak bersifat waterproof da

FYP Dip ChemEng

Hey geng.. FYP ni sebenarnye satu benda yang sangat interesting tau lau korg have fun time nak buat.. tapi cabarannya is 1) Dapat geng fyp yang tak berapa nak geng, (geng aku juz nice, siap ade sorg ong hebat punya) 2) Dapat tajuk yang x increase korg punya interest, (aq punya tajuk pown, for me,, #Rare) 3) Time consumption, (Kalau final sem korg, ade byk project other than fyp, gila la sensorg) 4) etc,,.. HAHAK p/s :- supervisor aku kata, untuk diploma level, fyp ni utk tengok cara kita urus masa, cara kita kerja dalam team, cara kita conduct experiment, the way to do research and bukan buat research tu sendiri.. yg buat research tu tahap2 master and degree.. and supervisor aku jenis yang kasi kitorg handle kerja kitorg.. dy guide dari segi bagi idea, cadangkan what the best for the project and so on.. sebab nak kasi kitorg pandai handle project la,.. tak nak la ditolong semua benda.. gitu.. hahak #AkuRelakan Preview : SV aku ketua fakulti aku.. so juz imagine.. mula2 tu aq

CHE244 - Introduction To Chemical Reactions

I am just sharing the notes I made obviously for my own reading based on the lecture's note and the text book, I used during my study.. during that particular sem.. so it's unavoidable that there could be wor ds and sentences that I copy directly from the books.. There could be some past year exam and questions I did as exercise, b ut not all of them would be right.. since I do the exercises on my own.. and yes.. there's some we discussed in class.. but there ;s still some that we do not.. so please don't solel y put your trust on my answer since I d idn ' t even check them with my lecturer whet her it's right or not .. Please kindly check the answer w ith y our lecturer.. : )   The Chapters Cover In The Subject:- Chapter 1 - Introduction To Chemical Reaction Engineering Chapter 2 - Stoichiometric Table And M aterial Balance Chapter 3 - Design Of Ideal Reactors F or Single Reaction Chapter 4 - Determina tion Of Rate Law For Bat ch Reactor Chapter 5

CHE245 - Heat Transfer & Equipments

I am just sharing the notes I made obviously for my own reading based on the lecture's note and the text book, I used during my study.. during that particular sem.. so it's unavoidable that there could be wor ds and sentences that I copy directly from the books.. There could be some past year exam and questions I did as exercise, b ut not all of them would be right.. since I do the exercises on my own.. and yes.. there's some we discussed in class.. but there ;s still some that we do not.. so please don't solel y put your trust on my answer since I d idn ' t even check them with my lecturer whet her it's right or not .. Please kindly check the answer w ith y our lecturer.. : )   The Chapters Cover In The Subject:- Chapter 1 - Introduction & Basic Conc e pts Chapter 2 - Heat Conduction Chapter 3 - Heat Convection (External + Internal) Chapter 4 - Heat Exchanger Chapter 5 - Boiling & Condensations Chapter 6 - Radiation 1) My Notes For The S

CHE246 - Separation Processes

I am just sharing the notes I made obviously for my own reading based on the lecture's note and the text book, I used during my study.. during that particular sem.. so it's unavoidable that there could be wor ds and sentences that I copy directly from the books.. There could be some past year exam and questions I did as exercise, b ut not all of them would be right.. since I do the exercises on my own.. and yes.. there's some we discussed in class.. but there ' s still some that we do not.. so please don't solel y put your trust on my answer since I d idn ' t even check them with my lecturer whet her it's right or not .. Please kindly check the answer w ith y our lecturer.. : )   The Chapters Cover In The Subject:- Chapter 1 - Mass Transfer Chapter 2 - Distillation Chapter 3 - Gas Absorpt ion Chapter 4 - Liquid- L iquid Extraction  1) My Notes (I' ll upload the m in june) I practic ally study hard for this subject.. for 5 days st raight

CHE239 - Process Control & Instrumentation

I am just sharing the notes I made obviously for my own reading based on the lecture's note and the text book, I used during my study.. during that particular sem.. so it's unavoidable that there could be wor ds and sentences that I copy directly from the books.. There could be some past year exam and questions I did as exercise, b ut not all of them would be right.. since I do the exercises on my own.. and yes.. there's some we discussed in class.. but there ;s still some that we do not.. so please don't solel y put your trust on my answer since I d idn ' t even check them with my lecturer whet her it's right or not .. Please kindly check the answer w ith y our lecturer.. : )   The Chapters Cover In The Subject:- Chapter 1 - Introduct ion To Process Control Chapter 2 - Instrumentation In Process Control Chapter 3 - Final C ontrol Elemen ts In Control S ystem Chapter 4 - Industrial Process Control Systems 1) My N ot es ( I don 't scan it yet.