Summary Sem 5 Degree in Chemical Engineering :)


selepas mengalami kejatuhan daripada menjadi calon ANC untuk degree, aku kini lebih bersemangat untuk menjayakan kehidupan aku sebagai seorang blogger yang masih belum mencapai tahap legendary. 

So, macam before this kat post Summary Sem 3 dan Summary Sem 4, begitu juga untuk pengisian kali ni, aku akan share info - info subjek yang aku belajar dalam chemical engineering melalui perspektif aku dan sedikit sebanyak yang aku dapat daripada I-Learn, pensyarah, kawan - kawan dan whatever lah. Okay, jom tengok life aku dalam study perspektif sepanjang semester 5 ni berlangsung.

Anyway, cerita sedih sikit semester ni adalah, aku tak sempat print out result semester 4 aku. sebab masa tu, aku tak taulah kenapa dengan sistem UiTM, yang aku tahu, bila aku baru nak download tu, tu kasi notification yang Rashid tengah berusaha nak elokkan semula site tu. Aduhaiii.. 

Then, after sistem dah okay, yuran pengajian untuk semester 5 dah pun generate which resulting in result periksa aku kena block la dari access sebab aku tak bayar lagi.  Then, sampai sekarang ni dah minggu ketiga pun aku masih di block sebab elaun Peduli Siswa masih tak keluar lagi. Begitulah secara ringkas cerita sedih di awal semester ini. 

1) CHE505 - Reaction Engineering II

Course Description
This course introduces the principles and analysis of complex and catalysed reactions involving chemical and biological reacting systems. The students will also be exposed to the design and development of heterogeneous catalytic reactors, multiphase reactors and biochemical reactors via the application of chemical kinetics and transport phenomena.

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Explain the principles of heterogeneous catalytic reactions, chain reaction mechanisms, multiphase reactions and biocatalytic reactions
  2. Determine engineering problems related to heterogeneous catalytic reactions, chain reactions, multiphase reactions and biocatalytic reactions
  3. Evaluate reaction data for the design and development of heterogeneous catalytic reactors, multiphase reactors and biochemical reactors
Syllabus Content
1) Chemical Catalytic Reaction 

-Steps in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

-Rate Limiting Steps

-Temperature Dependence of Catalytic Reaction Rates
-Langmuir-Hinshelwood Kinetics
-Designing Catalytic Reactors
-Deactivation of Catalysts

2) Multiphase Reactors 

-Multiphase Reactor

-Mass Transfer Between Phases

-Equilibrium Between Phases
-Falling Film Reactors
-Bubble Column Reactors

3) Chain Reaction Mechanisms 

-Pseudo Steady State Hypothesis (PSSH)

-Chain Reactions

-Characteristics of Chain Reactions
-Chain Branching Reactions
-Thermal and Chemical Autocatalysis
-Reactor Safety

4) Biocatalytic Reaction 


-Mechanistic Models for Simple Enzyme Kinetics

-Rate of Biocatalytic Reactions
-Models for Complex Enzyme Kinetics
-Effects of Bioreaction Parameters

5) Bioreactor Engineering 

-Types of Bioreactors

-Growth Kinetics of Microorganisms

-Transport Processes in Stirred Tank Bioreactors 
-Scale-up of Stirred Tank Bioreactors

Continuous assessment : Assignment (20%) + Test 1 (10%) + Test 2 (10%)
Final Assessment : Final Exam (60%)

Coretan Mahasiswi Yang Tidak Aktif Lagi Tidak Dipedulikan

Aku masih lagi dalam igauan ngeri kerana masih terdampar di Pulau KetidakFahaman untuk subjek reaction 1. Tapi oleh kerana aku telah berjaya mengharungi onak dan duri, dengan kebaraian final exam reaction 1 akhirnya aku telah ditemukan pula dengan kakaknya iaitu reaction engineering 2. Semoga aku berjaya harungi subjek ni, sebagaimana aku berjaya hadapi adiknya pada semester sebelum ini. 

Lecturer yang aku dapat untuk semester ni bagi subjek ni agak kelakar, and beliau sangat busy nampaknya dengan kerja - kerja yang aku sendiri tak jelas. Sebab jawatannya agak tinggi, if i'm not mistaken, beliau merupakan naib/timbalan dekan fakulti. hahahak aku kan, memang tak berapa kenal lecturer, so aku pun tak sure sangat. Tapi so far, dengan lecturer ni, I could still see the light for my future in this subject. Eh? 

Anyway, dijadikan cerita pendek yang panjang, somehow aku di offer jadi one of the tutor for FKK program which is Al Fateh. Programme ni is a very good inisiatif daripada pihak FKK sebab bagi platform untuk pelajar yang lemah dalam sesuatu subject untuk study in a form of study group with the assist from another student. Yelah, kadang kita pelajar ni, tak semua dapat bila lecturer ajar. tapi bila member atau student lain ajar, eh laju je masuk dalam kepala.. Tapi satu kelemahan yang aku kesan dalam pelaksaan program ni adalah pemilihan tutor dan tutee tu sendiri. Macam aku, aku actually takde talent dalam mengajar orang tapi aku cuba jugaklah demi program ni and demi member aku.. Lagi satu, memandangkan subject ni aku baru je amik, dan aku sendiri agak low level dalam reaction engineering, jadi aku tak mampu nak guide tutee aku ke arah kebenaran la dalam subject ni. Apa yang aku mampu adalah combine past sem mengikut chapter yang kitorang semua belajar and ajar part yang memang aku yakin aku boleh untuk ajar.. (tapi part ni pown kelaut gak)..

Satu lagi reason kenapa aku makin rasa, I dont deserve to be a tutor is due to the fact one of the tutee jauh lagi pandai about the subject and I believe she is the one should be the tutor and not me. Instead, I should replace her and be tutee myself. hahaha.. kan dah tetiber speaking english.. cui tapi apa pun, aku usaha jugak untuk redakan perasaan serba salah aku sebab aku setuju jadi tutor at the first place dengan buat compilation on past semester exam paper accordingly ikut chapter. So, by the end of the day, bila my tutee semua buat, at least dyorg semua dah sedia dengan bentuk soalan exam and which chapter yang akan masuk in the exam.(pada pandangan aku lah, cui)

Okay, next cerita untuk subject ni adalah, test and exam. Okay, test macam biasa lah disebabkan aku ni memang jenis last minute study punya orang, jadi tentu saja test aku akan barai sebab aku pun bukan genius and tak grab the topic in the palm of my hands gittew..  Time final exam aritu, aku boleh cakap, most soalan aku tak selesai jawab. Disebabkan bentuk soalan yang dibagi dalam exam tu, aku boleh la nak cakap berubah daripada tahun atau semester sebelum ni. Disebabkan corak soalan yang berbeza and aku yang hanya study based on past sem question paper.. jadi aku macam lost cause sikit dalam exam hall tu.

Owh yes, finally. Result aku untuk subject ni memang legendary. One of the lowest grade that I've ever get in the history of my life which is a B-. tapi disebabkan aku dah ada expectation untuk B- or C , jadi aku macam tak kisah sangat, takdelah heart broken sampai nak murung 44 hari.. tapi actually aku syak jugak, mungkin gred aku ni antara sebabnya , sebelum habis paper final haritu, member class aku inform yang kene submit assignment kedua kitorg. So, aku kan Non Resident, so memang pada waktu kejadian , aku tak bawak la assignment tu, sebab dyorg nak hantar mase tu on the spot. And nak dijadikan cerita, aku rancang nak hantar keesokkan harinya. Tapi tak tau apa yang menyerang, dah naik sem, baru aku teringat kejadian yang aku tak hantar assignment kedua aku.. cui..

2) CBE658 - Food Preservation Technology

Course Description
This course introduces the factors that can cause food spoilage and the different techniques of food preservation which are commonly applied in the food industry, ranging from conventional to the most current technologies. The course also covers the principles, the description of the processes and equipment involved for these different techniques.

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Define food preservation and factors of food spoilage.
  2. Explain the principles and mechanisms of various food preservation techniques.
  3. Recommend and justify appropriate equipment to solve industrial problem in food processing.

Syllabus Content
1) Introduction to Food Preservation
- Historical development of food preservation 
- Deteriorative factors of food spoilage

2) Preservation by Chemical Additives and Osmoanabiosis
- Definition of food additives
- Principle of preservation by chemical preservatives
- Mechanism of action of chemical preservatives
- Definition and principles of osmoanabiosis
- Mechanism of action of osmoanabiosis
- Applications in food ? sugaring (candy and gels) salting (brining, pickling, curing and smoking)

3) Preservation by Thermal Processing
- Principle and process
- Pasteurization and sterilization
- Mode of heating
- Effect of heating on microorganisms and enzymes
- Factors affecting heat penetration
- Advantages and disadvantages of heat treatment

4) Preservation by Dehydration
- Principles of drying
- Mechanism of action of drying
- Case hardening
- Factors affecting drying process
- Effect of drying on food components
- Drying methods and equipment

5) Preservation by Freezing
- Principles and theory of freezing
- Nucleation and ice formation
- Stages of freezing
- Factors affecting freezing process
- Freezing methods and equipment
- Effect of freezing on food quality

6) Preservation by Irradiation and Hurdle Technology
- Types of irradiation
- Mechanism of action of irradiation
- Effects of irradiation on food quality
- Application of irradiation in food industry
- Regulation and labeling
- Principle of hurdle technology
- Types of hurdle technology
- Application of hurdle technology

7) Contemporary Preservation Techniques
- High Pressure Processing (HPP)
- Pulsed Electric Field (PEF)
- Other novel technologies

8) List of Lab Work
- Determination of total aerobic plate count (including yeast and moulds) on fresh and spoiled food (milk/juices/any solid food)
- The deterioration effect of different storage temperature on the food (total plate count/ colour/nutrient) quality. 
- Effect of thermal treatment on food quality (colour/Vitamin C or others/ shelf-life)
- Effect of freezing on the quality (texture and juice yield) of fruits and vegetables 
- Effect of a selected chemical preservative(s) on shelf life of food
- Preservation of food by pickling/brining/salting/sugaring

Continuous assessment : Assignment (10%) + Test (20%) + Lab Exercises (30%)
Final Assessment : Final Exam (40%)

Coretan Mahasiswi Yang Tidak Aktif Lagi Tidak Dipedulikan

Ini subjek elektif. Cerita sikit pasal elektif ni, untuk sem ni kitorang diberi 4 choices untuk pilih which is | Food Preservation & Technology | Solid Particle | Waste Management |   | . So, sebenarnya if kitorang amik Food, jadual clash dengan subject lain. and rumors has been around saying that sebenanrnya elektif dah ditetapkan which is kitorg supposedly amik Solid Particle as elektif. Tapi tu lah, kesatuan pelajar kelas 5I telah berjaya memperjuangkan hak kami untuk decide elektif pilihan masing - masing. So, dipendekkan cerita, kami semua berjaya memilih elektif yang masing - masing nak and jadual dirombak sehingga tidak lagi clash. ehek

Okay, aku memang minat and interested nak amik food technology and that is the main reason aku pilih elektif food. Tapi kesilapan aku adalah, aku tak amik tahu mengenai course outline atau course content subject ni. I thought subject ni ada final, tapi sayangnya takde. And subject yang takde final pastinya 100% carry mark is based on class assessment and the marks is hold by the lecturers only. Kelemahannya dengan subject yang takde final adalah, kita berhadapan dengan manusia yang mempunyai emosi dan perasaan. kalau ada final paper, kita cuma mengadap paper je jadi, xdelah menakutkan sangat.

Okay, masa aku amik subject ni, aku berhadapan dengan 3 lab which yield to 3 lab report. if nak tengok, boleh singgah kat academia aku. and tak silap aku , dua assignment and ade jugak buat video and blog. So, tugasan yang dibagi aku memang suka, which is buat video and blog. Ni adalah fav aku, sebab aku memang suka belajar video editing and blogging tapi bila dah study, bende2 ni semua kita rasakan macam tak sempat, but bila dah jadi one of the assessment, somehow kita akan make time jugak untuk buat. So, bila aku dapat buat and at the same time aku dapat belajar lagi cara edit video, and knowledge aku dalam buat blog. I'm extra excited. 

>>Lab Report

  1. Lab Report on Food Preservation By Picklings (Chillies) (Grouping)
  2. Lab Report on Determination of Total Aerobic Plate Count on Fresh and Spoiled Food. (Individual)
  3.  OTW (Grouping)

And, aku memang agak rare. Mungkin orang lain tak minat buat lab report, tapi aku jenis yang memang suka buat lab report, aku suka buat report. tapi bukan dipaksa buat report. kalau dipaksa aku tak suka, aku suka buat kerja pada pace aku lah. okay, berbalik kepada food technology ni, untuk class aku, aku ada dapat dua lecturer. At the first half, and the second half. Dengan seorang ni, beliau memang suka buat activity yang fun, antara yang aku ingat kitorang main kahoot kat kelas. jawab soalan yang berkaitan dengan subject content, and compete with thw whole class. also we had an explorace once, which held during the class session. It was fun, but tiring sebab waktu tu, aku bawak helmet datang class.. dah tak memasal aku kena angkut helmet aku everywhere. cui je.. 

Okay last sekali, gred aku, aku dapat A- dalam subject ni. okay lah.. dapat jugak title A tu. sebab test aku memang rendah. lagi2 test 2. sebab test 2 aku boleh cakap, soalan yang keluar tu semua memang bukan - bukan. dengan markah dia yang sangatlah besar for one question. jadi , aku yakin aku fail test 2. aku tak tau lah tapinya, sebab lecturer tak pass semula paper exam tu. 

3) CPE604 - Plant Design and Economics (4.0 Credit Hours)

Course Description
This course covers the chemical process and plant design through topics relating to the flow sheeting, product design, heuristics and guidelines in design, preliminary sizing of equipment, pinch technology, economic evaluations and the operation of chemical processes.

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Ability to make the necessary initial steps and data collection for preliminary plant design
  2. Ability to perform calculations related to the preliminary design of process equipments and heat exchanger network.
  3. Ability to evaluate the feasibility of chemical or process plant through heat integration and economic analysis
Syllabus Content
1) Introduction to Design Block Flow Diagrams (BFD)
Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
Additional diagrams
3-D representation of a process
The 3-D plant model

2) The Structure and Synthesis of Process Flow Diagrams
Hierarchy of process design
Batch vs. Continuous process
The input / output Structure of the process
The recycle structure of the process
General structure of the separation system
Heat-exchanger network or process energy recovery system
Information required and sources

3) Chemical Product Design
Strategies for chemical product design
Batch processing
Economic considerations

4) Tracing Chemicals through the Process Flow Diagram
Guidelines and tactics for tracing chemicals
Tracing primary paths taken by chemicals in a chemical process
Recycle and bypass streams
Tracing non-reacting chemicals
Written process description

5) Understanding Process Conditions
Conditions of special concern for the operation of separation and reactor systems
Reasons for operating at conditions of special concern
Conditions of special concern for the operation of other equipment
Analysis of important process conditions

6) Suitability of a Process Design
The role of experience in the design process
Guidelines for equipment selection

7) Synthesis of the PFD from the Generic BFD
Information needs and sources
Reactor section
Separator section
Reactor feed preparation and separator feed preparation sections
Recycle section
Environmental control section
Major process control loops
Flow summary table
Major equipment summary table

8) Pinch Technology
Heat integration and network design
Minimum utilities minimum number of exchanger network (MUMNE)
Heat-Exchanger Network Synthesis Analysis and Design (HENSAD) program

9) Estimation of Capital Costs
Classifications of capital cost estimates
Estimation of purchased equipment costs
Estimating the total capital cost of a plant

10) Estimation of Manufacturing Costs
Factors affecting the cost of manufacturing a chemical product
Cost of operating labor
Utility costs
Raw material costs
Yearly costs and stream factors
Estimating utility costs from the PFD
Cost of treating liquid and solid waste streams

11) Engineering Economic Analysis
Investments and the time value of money
Different types of interest
Time basis for compound interest calculations
Cash flow diagrams (CFD)
Calculations from cash flow diagrams
Depreciation of capital investment
Taxation, cash flow and profit

12) Profitability Analysis
A typical CFD for a new project
Profitability criteria for project evaluation
Comparing several large projects: Incremental economic analysis
Establishing acceptable returns from investments: The concept of risk
Evaluation of equipment alternatives
Incremental analysis for retrofitting facilities
Evaluation of risk in evaluating profitability
Economic sensitivity analysis

Continuous assessment : Mini Project (20%) + Test 1 (10%) + Test 2 (10%)
Final Assessment : Final Exam (60%)

Coretan Mahasiswi Yang Tidak Aktif Lagi Tidak Dipedulikan

Subjek ni dikatakan antara killer subjek untuk program Chemical Engineering ni. And based on apa yang telah di explain hidup - hidup oleh Pensyarah, bahawasanya, dalam 20% hingga 25% akan gagal dalam subjek ni dan around 30% might get a C, and A and B is that hard to obtained. Ha gittew. So? kita berhuhu - huhu dululah dengan subjek ni. 

Masa diploma ada jugak amik subjek Plant Design, tapi masa tu just introduction je and introduction pun dah cukup menguji minda dan emosi. Kali ni, the real subjek datang menyapa, Oh Allah, can I face this ujian? hahak Semoga berjayalah harungi subjek ni. Dulu belajar dengan Sir Om, best je and selamat. Semoga kali ni pun sama. hahahahak 

Owh yes, aku memang selamat dengan subject ni. Aku score A-. aku rasa penyumbang utama adalah disebabkan report mini project plant yang setebal hape pun aku tak tau. walaupun the lecturer said no need for some part of the report, tapi disebabkan kitorang satu group dah settle dah kira apa semua, so kitorg submit je.. 

Owh.. kalau korang tengok kat list chapter yang ada kat atas tu, ada pinch technology ke hape tu an, tapi start this sem, chapter tu dah taken out, tak include dalam subject ni.. so kitorg semua tak study lah chapter tu.. and due to that fact, satu soalan dalam final exam dah terbuka untuk segala possibility yang mungkin ada.. sebab before this pinch mesti conquer satu soalan dalam exam.. but not anymore..

Okay, sekarang nak cerita untuk mini project yang amik portion 20% daripada carry mark kitorang.. Kitorang ditugaskan untuk buat proposal untuk propose chemical plant untuk certain chemical yang telah di list out oleh lecturer pada waktu dan ketika itu.. Waktu tu, lecturer list out kan dalam 9 jenis chemical.. then berebutlah umat manusia yang wujud dalam kelas tu.. sebab kenapa berebut - rebut is certain chemical yang ada kat whiteboard tu, chemical plant pfd and bfd dah ada dah kat dalam text book...

So, nak dijadikan penyedap cerita, ada isu gak memula masa nak buat grouping.. Subject plant kitorang ni combine 3 class , then yelah masing - masing nak buat group ikut fav hati masing2.. and masa memula tu semua tak nak mengalah.. but at last yelah, selesai jugak, sebab mana ada masalah yang tak boleh selesaikan,, anyway, long story short, somehow aku and teammates aku, (10 orang ke 11 orang, aku tak berapa igt satu group baru orang ahli) dapat phenol. So, meaningnye kitorang kena buat plant untuk production of phenol la.. macam - macam cubaan nak buat report ni sebab dari segi pengiraan material balance, energy balance sampailah kepada costing, process flow diagram and block flow diagram.. semuanya kena buat sendiri, dalam text book takde, cari kat ensiklopedia pun maklumat tak lengkap, means tak details lah..  huhhh memang cubaan.. sampai stay kat UiTM dalam 2~3 pagi untuk finalizekan report ni.. anyway, ni bawah ni link report team aku.. untuk rujukan kita bersama.. #UiTMDihatiKu
  1. Mini Project Plant Design (Production of Phenol)
  2. Tutorial on Plant Design & Economics

4) CHE506 - Reaction Engineering Laboratory

Course Description
No Description (Yet).

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Identify, review and summarize laboratory procedures in order to conduct experimental works successfully either individually or in group
  2. Evaluate experimental data and relate them with the fundamental theories and concepts related to fluids mechanics and thermodynamics
  3. Effectively communicate experimental designs methods, findings and conclusion through written reports
Syllabus Content
1) Chemical reaction experiments
1.Continuous stirred tank reactor CSTR
2.Continuous stirred tank reactor CSTR in series
3 Continuous stirred tank reactor CSTR pilot scale 40L
4 Plug flow reactor
5. Tubular flow reactor

2) Biochemical rection experiments
1.Growth study of microorganism in shake flask
2.Growth study of microorganism in bioreactor using different strategy
3. Production and assay of amylase by microorganisms
4 Investigagation on enzyme and kinetics

Continuous assessment : Assignment (20%) + Test (20%) + Lab Exercise (60%)

Coretan Mahasiswi Yang Tidak Aktif Lagi Tidak Dipedulikan

Subjek ni lab kan, so revolve around lab report la. Anyway, satu kejadian di awal semester bila mana, Pensyarah aku whatsapp aku (Aku yang sering tidak dipedulikan oleh lecturer di UiTM Shah Alam ni) then, decide for briefing untuk lab. Aku tak biasa function kat kelas, so kena beraksi la sebab Dr whatsapp aku an, jadinya aku pun jadi leader sebentar. hahahak Gelabah aku sebab tak biasa jadi leader untuk decide sesuatu yang memerlukan kehadiran seluruh kelas. 

Hasil daripada briefing tu, dapatannya adalah, kitorang semua kena buat lab report menggunakan tulisan tangan kerana Dr tak nak ada yang copy paste and dia mahu kitorg semua dapat sematkan dalam fikiran segala lab yang kitorg dah buat. Dr Farid handle 3 lab report and another 3 by another lecturer. Aku selitkan segala lab report yang telah berjaya dihasilkan untuk rujukan kita bersama ye gais. So, doakanlah aku berjaya dalam life and akhirat aku ye gais...

Tapi dont know what happens, somehow kitorang dibenarkan untuk submit lab report yang typing using Ms Word or yang seangkatan dengannya.. Aku yelah.. macam yang aku mention kat atas, aku suka buat lab report, but the downsidenye dalam character aku is, I dont really like doing the lab itself,.. aku jenis yang suka tengok orang buat lab, tapi bila nak buat sendiri tu, aku mcm tak berapa seronok.. gittew.. tapi aku buat jugak lah.. tapi more on data taking la job task aku.. ehek

Owh yes.. lab test aku, tak silap aku score 13/20 .. okay lah tak fail teruk macam sem lepas.. and aq score A dalam subject lab ni.. walaupun subject reaction aku ke laut dalam.. untuk lab report.. aku share link kat bawah ni..
  1. CHE506 - Lab Report On Growth Study of E. Coli in Shake Flask (2018)
  2. CHE506 - Lab Report On Investigation On Enzymes and Kinetics (2018)
  3. CHE506 - Lab Report On Growth Study of Microorganisms in Bioreactor Using Different Strategy (L7) (2018)
  4. CHE506 - Lab Report On Plug Flow Reactor (L5) (2018)
  5. CHE506 - Lab Report On Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor In Series (L2) (2018)
  6. CHE506 - Lab Report On Tubular Flow Reactor (L4) (2018)

5) CHE522 - Transport and Phenomena

Course Description
This course introduces the topic of transport phenomena, which involves the development of mathematical models and physical understanding of the transfer of momentum, energy and mass.

Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Ability to describe the conservation principles and analogies of momentum, energy and mass transport
  2. Ability to develop the momentum, energy and mass balances according to the chemical and process engineering system
  3. Ability to justify the concept of transport phenomena, conservation principles and flux laws of momentum, energy and mass transport.
Syllabus Content
1) Introduction to transport phenomena
1.The three transport mechanisms i.e. mass, momentum and energy
2.The analogous forms of diffusional transports
3.The three conservation laws and general property balance
2) Momentum transport
-Viscosity and the mechanisms of momentum transport
-Shell momentum balances and velocity distributions in laminar and turbulent flow. 
-Equations of change for momentum transport
-Inter-phase transport in isothermal systems
-Equipment for momentum transport e.g. pumps
3) Energy transport
-Thermal conductivity and the mechanisms of energy transport
-Shell energy balances and temperature distributions in solids both laminar and turbulent flow. 
-Equations of change for energy transport
-Interphase transport in non-isothermal systems
-Equipment for energy transport
4) Mass transport
-Diffusivity and the mechanisms of mass transport
-Shell mass balances and concentration distributions in solids, both laminar and turbulent flow. 
-Equations of change for mass transport.
-Interphase transport in non-isothermal mixtures.
-Equipment for mass transport (e.g. mixers and blenders).
Continuous assessment : Assignment (20%) + Test 1 (10%) + Test 2 (10%)
Final Assessment : Final Exam (60%)

6) CPE501 - Chemical Process Control

Course Description
This course begins with a discussion of principle concept, theory and terminologies of process control. It moves on to discuss the product hardware and software that implement the theory, and then proceeds to describe instrumentation examples and the system-design approaches suitable for variety of production processes.
Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Identify suitable instrumentation for particular control system
  2. Construct block diagram for chemical control system
  3. Design control system for a given process
Syllabus Content

Continuous assessment : Report (20%) + Test 1 (10%) + Test 2 (10%)
Final Assessment : Final Exam (60%)

7) TAC501 - Introductory Arabic (Level III)

Course Description
This course is the third stage of the Introductory Level of the Arabic Language programme. Students taking this course are exposed to the vocabulary, grammar and Arabic phrases as well as basic conversational Arabic in daily situational contexts. Cultural elements are also incorporated in the course. Emphasis is given to consolidating the four communication skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course aims to equip students with the ability to communicate using simple Arabic phrases relevant to foundation level.
Course Learning Outcomes
  1. Demonstrate social skills while interacting using the Arabic language at Introductory Level
  2. Demonstrate teamwork skills while interacting using the Arabic language at Introductory Level III
  3. Demonstrate the basic ability to write, read, listen and speak Arabic language in various discourses at Introductory Level III
Syllabus Content
1) Introduction
Introductions :Course information -objectives, content and evaluation.
Revision of past syllabus - BAB401 
Revision of past syllabus - BAB451
2) Travel and tour I
At hotel, room at hotel.
Beautiful and amazing places,
3) Travel and tours II
Cities, lakes, mountains, buildings.
4) Services I
At post office, bank
Bank, credit card, ATM card, debit Card, bank account, money order
5) Services II
Telephone bill, electricity bill, normal post, postcard, express post fee
Money, payment.
6) Job and Occupations
Job, future, interviews, application
Certificate, companies, job experience, programme
Relevant certificates, important letters, interview, staff, leader, form
7) Hospital
Painful, medicine, diet, exercise
Doctor, nurse, the bill, patient, 
Visit, emergency rooms, ward, ambulance, injection, operation theatre
8) Exhibiton
Exhibition, companies, organizer
Computer, promoter, discount, customer
Programme, gift, ticket, children, booth.
Continuous assessment : Roleplay (30%) + Listening Test (20%) + Writing Test (30%) + Simulation 1 (10%) + Simulation 2 (10%)

t sambung.. dah ngantuk


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