Summary Sem 3 Degree Chemical Engineering :)


Dah lama rasanya tak update blog.. yelah aku an acah2 busy.. tapi sebenarnye memang busy pown.. sekarang apabila berakhirnya Sem 3.. aku amik masa untuk stay sekejap kat kolej dan luangkan masa bersama internet UiTM yang sangat laju.. hmm selalunyalah.. tapi kalau slow dy.. tahap boleh mengalahkan data internet kita yang sipi lagi nak habis..

Walaupun kawan2 aku semua dah otw buat clearance dan bakal meninggalkan aku pada esok hari, namun aku rela..

So anyway, sem ni aku amik 7 subjects which are

Preview Jadual Kelas Sem 3

1) TAC401 Third Language - Introductory Arabic (Level 1) (2 Credit Hours)

This course is the first stage of the Introductory Level of the Arabic Language programme. Students taking this course are exposed to the vocabulary, grammar and Arabic phrases as well as introductory conversational Arabic in daily situational contexts. Cultural elements are also incorporated in the course. Emphasis is given to consolidating the four communication skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course aims to equip students with the ability to communicate using simple Arabic phrases relevant to foundation level.

Third language, sebenarnye aku nak amik Mandarin, memandangkan life kat Malaysia ni untuk golongan bawah2 mcm kita, kebanyakan kerja under chinese, so I was hoping to get the benefit dgn adenye ability to speak mandarin.. tapi aturan Allah tu lebih baik nampaknye... sebab aku got no choice and kena pilih Bahasa Arab as third language aku..

Kenape aku tak nak pilih bahasa arab awalnye sebab aku ngan arab mcm tak ngam mase kecik, result E tu dah macam ade cop kat dahi.. tak faham ape yang cikgu ajar dlu.. and time periksa dlu, aku salin je balik soalan.. untung ah tu dpt E... tak dpt F terus.. hahak

Tapi, disebabkan ade masalah sistem, aku an dak2 penerapan, so xleh nak pilih course lagi at that time, and by the time aku boleh daftar kelas, kelas lain dah penuh.. cis.. bertuah betul.. hahak tinggal bahasa arab je.. so aku tabahkan diri dan amik kelas ni dengan harapan segalanye akan berubah.. (ayat aku power an).. 

And, tu lah.. akhirnye aku dapat jugak sedikit sebanyak ilmu bahasa arab yang dlu time cikgu ajar aku tak faham.. maybe sebab effort kalini lebih, maybe sbb rezeki Allah baru sampai utk aku faham, maybe sebab lecturer try kasi meaning as dy explain.. and more maybe2..

- Simulation x 2 : untuk simulation arab, ni kena buat skrip pendek, like dalam 5 ayat sorg tak silap aku, then present kat depan lecturer with/without the classmates. Kena kasi intonasi mcm orang Arab, atau pown mcm orang Malaysia yang dah stay kat Middle East maybe dalam 60 tahun.. hahak kena lancar, and etc..

- Listening Test : untuk listening test, seperti mana tajuk dy, kena mendengar, tapi yang ni aku tak tau la aku punya barai ke x.. sbb mase aku nak tau markah, tapi classmate lain semua tak nak tahu.. so aq mcm.. kenape dyorg xnak tahu markah sendiri, tinggi ke rendah xkisah la.. janji tahu.. hmmm aku dgr tapi aku tak faham pown.. aku kan noob dlm arab, soalan yang agak aku tak sure, aku pakai hentam je lah.. #StandardAhStudent

- Writing Test : Ini lagi satu ni, aku macam tak pro lagi grammar arab, so aku mcm ape soalan dy,, dengan vocab aku dlm arab bagaikan mencari beras di lautan , tidak akan dijumpai.. so mcm tu lah keadaan aku time exam, no pown aku pening... tapi rasenye lecturer okay je kot kasi markah,, aku dah usaha kot.. hahak

- Roleplay (Berdrama) : Ini lah satu hal yang menjadi permasalahan dunia bahasa arab, dah la markah tinggi, banyak pulak nak kne hafal.. aku amik masa dalam dua tiga hari nak hafal the whole script.. dengan mintak bantuan adik aq yang memang terror arab, so aku berjaya la jugak menjadi orang arab time roleplay tu.. tapi member2 aku lupa lirik.. so mcm bercelaru sikit.. tapi xleh nak salahkan sesiapa.. sbb kitorg masing2 busy and masing2 acah2 busy,.. hahak dengan Oppa and so on.. so tulah dy,.. lalalala

Result Final 

Shocking! hey finally I get an A for arabic.. Pffftt.. congrats lina.. well done.. you can proudly say, you are no longer a waste in Arabic.. From the moment I had no choice but to take this as my third languange, to the point I done the roleplay, it's been too nerve-wrecking.. Probably most of you will never know how I felt, when I'm a muslim, have been through with Arabic since kindergarden, and yet E is my result.. but I break through from my weakness though .. #Hi5

The three main topics covered in this course are infinite series, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. The first topic begins with the basic concepts of convergence of an infinite sequence and series, followed by the use of various tests to determine the convergence of infinite series. The second chapter introduces the evaluation of multiple integrals using various coordinate systems. In the last chapter introduces the main operations of vector calculus, namely the gradient, the divergence and the curl, followed by integration over paths and surfaces. Applications of three important theorems (Green?s theorem, Stokes? theorem and divergence theorem) are also included.

Maths, my favourite subject throughout my whole life, so, carry mark okay la.. walaupun mase first test cukup2 lulus, tapi after that, aku terus berusaha melangkah demi mencapai kejayaan dalam dunia Further Calculus ni and berjaya gak la untuk survive.. tapi cerita finalnye agak mengecewakan.. bukan pasal aku tak reti nak buat ke ape.. tapi at that time , I was having a cold.. and I could say extreme cold.. I was sneezing badly and madly and consecutively and everything ly.. and the whole class can surely hear that.. 

Aku punyalah segan , nak jawab periksa, tapi mucus aku asyik nak kuar dri hidung, so aku dongakkan kepala.. tapi bile buat gitu, aku tak dpt la jawab paper, sbb aku mane de mata bahu dagu.. so aku basically battling with myself la mase tu.. jadi eventhough aku tahu nak buat soalan tu, tapi aku tak cukup masa sebab aku ade dua battle iaitu battle dengan exam, dan battle dengan mucus aku.. hmmm #FinalYangMenyedihkan

Result Final

I win my battle with my flu during final.. so what do you think I get? 

3) ELC590 English For Oral Presentations (2 Credit Hours)

This is a course for students to develop the strategies and skills necessary for effective oral presentations. Guidance is provided from the preparatory right up to the final stage of delivery. Emphasis is placed on the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication skills and using visual aids appropriately in oral presentations. Students will also be taught to anticipate and respond to questions and comments orally during a question and answer session.

Subject ni, agak gentar jugak untuk aku yang jarang berbahasa overseas ni, tapi berjaya jugak harungi dengan jayanya. And as the title goes, Oral Presentation, so no paper la nak dijawab,.. markah semuanya depends on how good your presentation is.. kiranya 100% on carry mark.. no final paper at all.. so sape yang xscore in speaking dah boleh buat solat hajat nak bukak hati lecturer supaya kasi high marks lah~

Ade dua main presentation for this subject mengikut ape yang aku alami, iaitu

- Informative Speech (40%)
- Persuasive Speech (60%)

for presentation aku, topic aku adelah

So, ape kisah masa final? xde kisah.. sebab xde final paper for this subject and I dont even speak english with my friends and lecturers...

Result Final

I get a pretty good result for english.. hahak.. so now I can proudly say, I'm a multi language speaker.. yeeehaaaa.. so get my passport and ready to fly abroad~ ... 

4)  CHE555 Numerical Methods And Optimization (3 Credit Hours)

This course provides basic knowledge of numerical methods with the aid of MATLAB and MS Excel including root-finding, elementary numerical linear algebra, solving systems of linear equations, curve fitting, numerical solution to ordinary equations and optimization. The numerical techniques acquired in this course will enable students to solve chemical engineering problems.

Subject ni alkisahnye untuk kes2 bende yang takleh nak settlekan guna analytical method.. so mcm mane nak kira those yang tak dapat nak kira guna that method.. so Numerical approach ni kasi la penyelesaiannye.. tapi bagi aku.. tak menyelesaikan masalah aku sbb aq tak dapat grasp this subject from the beginning until the end.. 

so ape kisah mase final? #BaraiBertambahKebaraian walaupun sebenarnye soalan final Numeth ni sebenarnye tak susah mane,.. tapi if kau jenis tak dapat nak extract information from the question.. then, that is your end to this subject.. hahak #KeredhaanYangJitu

Result Final 

Based on the survey I made to those I asked theirs' result, mostly got A/A- .. and here I am, got a sweet B- .. I do hope for an A, but after I kind of check and discuss the answer right after the final exam among my peers, I guess at that time, I probably fail the subject or get a C.. So, I guess, my lecturer has been kind enough to give me a B.. hahak 

5) CHE545 Mass Transfer (3 Credit Hours)

This subject introduces the students to one of the fundamental knowledge that the students must acquire in mass transfer and mass transfer operations. The topics covered include the concepts of mass transfer and equipment design for gas absorption, adsorption and drying.

Subject ni pown masalah jugak, aku rase sem ni aq mmg banyak masalah.. hahak sebenarnye dah ade subject time diploma yang belajar ape yang subject ni ade.. tapi yelah bila kita belajar demi exam, memang tak ingatlah untuk masa hadapan.. hahak and the present time has come.. and the memories already gone away~

anyway, eventhough aku rase subject ni susah, tapi the weird things is,. i did pretty well? not that well tapi considering the fact yang aku xfaham ape yang topic dalam subject ni try nak sampaikan, tapi aku boleh jawab dalam paper.. hahak walaupun markah aku half je dari full marks, tu dah cukup membanggakan untuk aku.. hahak #SisTakDemandSisOkayJe

so ape kisah mase final? walaupun beberapa hari before D-Day utk subject ni aku addicted to Eternal Crusade game, and aku cuma spend sehari yang mane hari tu pown aku still gaming, untuk study, aku dapat jawab dengan jayanya.. dan gorengan2 yang padu lagi laju,.. aku dah cukup gembira.. hahak

satu lagi kisah, ade sorg ni dy pakai kopiah, memang nampak mcm budak baik2 tak macam aku.. hahak dy kuar after 2 hours (Exam 3 hours) , so aku mcm.. 'wauu.. amazing, dak2 pandai~' bermonolog dalam hati sahaja~

Result Final

I guess, this is what people say.. love is blind.. even though I don't really love this subject with all the confusion during the time we met, we date.. It still give me the unparalled love.. hurmm.. I guess.. I might give you a chance.. maybe I should start loving you from now on...

6) CHE485 Chemistry Laboratory (1 Credit Hours)

This course provides a complimentary practical experience to the theoretical work studied in the physical, inorganic and organic chemistry courses. The course comprises of open-ended laboratory investigations, which require effective communication, delegation and time-management skills to achieve the experimental aims.

Lab Report:-
4) Lab Report on
5) Lab Report on
6) Lab Report on

tang ni, ni pown takde final, sebab ni lab punya subject, so buat lab je ah.. kitorg ade 6 experiment yang mane ade experiment yang sebenarnye bukan hanya satu experiment.. (mesti korg tak faham) means, 1 experiment tu ade sub2 experiment kecik dy yang nak kne buat, dy mcm under satu topik yang same, something like that lah.. something~

Anyway, walaupun xde final, ade 6 lab report nak kne settlekan, which each ade 2 weeks utk siapkan.. ade yang individual report, ade yang grouping report, all depends on how your lecturer want it.. and ade Lab test yang mane kne jawab berkaitan dengan segala lab2 yang kita dah buat tu.. tapi untuk test ni,. aku barai gak.. sebab aku belum buat report lab 6 and 5 waktu ni, so aku x cari tahu lagi pasal topik2 experiment ni, then aq lupa la and so on.. so kesimpulannye  #BaraiBertambahKebaraian

Result Final
Dah sampai ke subject ke 6 ni dah kering idea nak speaking.. so we'll just continue with malay ah ye.. okaylah.. dapat A- .. aku dpt ni pown sbb aku tak prepare for the test.. so korang yang akan berjumpa dengan subject ni.. kindly study for the test..  sayang kalau xdpt A sbb xstudy utk test, mcm aku..  sbb subject ni supposedly senang nak dpt A (lecturer ckp lah, aku xdpt A, so xdelah senang sgt nak dpt A nampaknye.. hahak)

This course is a continuation of Chemical Process Principle I. The students are exposed to advanced material and energy balance concepts to solve problems of unit operations in chemical processing for both steady and unsteady state systems. The students are also exposed to the application of specific chemical engineering software to solve material and energy balances.

Subject ni pown sebenarnye antara subject yang aku suka, sebab aku faham, semuanye lebih kurang dengan input = output, basically most of the topic aq dah study time diploma, so bila nak faham baik ape yang belajar time diploma tu aq mcm tak rase satu masalah, yang masalah cuma bile ade topik yang tak belajar lagi.. and topik itu mengconfusekan.. 

so, the right method is find your Guru and learn, kalau xde carilah profesor sejati yang ade di samping ade iaitu Buku Teks CPP.. sape tak beli boleh pinjam member katil sebelah, kalau takde yang ade, nangis jelah dalam sendu dan ketawa..

so, ape kisah mase final? kisahnye menggembirakan.. sebab aku boleh jawab except for the final question yang mane Transient System tapi nak kne buat energy balance where xpernah belajar buat energy balance sbb kitorg study mass balance je.. and aq lak terlupa nak letak Cp dalam formula,.. tp soalan 5 jelah rasenye kelaut.. yang lain masih mampu di damparkan di tepi pantai~ 

Result Final

Walaupun perasaan aku gembira masa final dengan memikirkan aku berjaya jawab.. tapi based on result aku.. nampaknye final aku agak teruk.. memandangkan carry mark aq okay based on result test aq.. jadi sudah tentunya permasalahannye adelah final.. walaupun aq expect aq dpt A for this subject, tp it seems, this subject only gave me conditional love.. I get a good marks for test, and then bammm.. here you go bad for final.. ceh.. I'm going to pass my love to mass transfer.. you cpp.. goodbye.. we clash.. hahak 

Begitulah dy sinopsis atau summary kisah2 Sem 3 aq atau lebih tepat lagi Subject2 Sem 3.. hahak Sekian.

Jadual Final Exam Sem 3

p/s: Segala ape yang tertulis, hanyalah opinion and penceritaan aq.. please jangan terasa in case of rudeness in any of my writings, yelah.. aku hanya manusia biase yang banyak kesilapan dan masih mencuba untuk memperbaiki diri sendiri.. :)


  1. that's nice.. hmm bumped into this blog cuz im actually in a slump, academics wise and cam nak give up cuz listening test arab esok and seram sebab ada banyak gila project due week ni and tak study lagi untuk listening test, week 11 kan so yeah as expected but here i am at 3 am trying to find some comfort hahah

  2. Sis, pemarkahan arab macam mana ya? Senang ke dapat A


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