CHE245 - Heat Transfer & Equipments

I am just sharing the notes I made obviously for my own reading based on the lecture's note and the text book, I used during my study.. during that particular sem.. so it's unavoidable that there could be words and sentences that I copy directly from the books.. There could be some past year exam and questions I did as exercise, but not all of them would be right.. since I do the exercises on my own.. and yes.. there's some we discussed in class.. but there;s still some that we do not.. so please don't solely put your trust on my answer since I didn't even check them with my lecturer whether it's right or not.. Please kindly check the answer with your lecturer.. :)

 The Chapters Cover In The Subject:-

Chapter 1 - Introduction & Basic Concepts
Chapter 2 - Heat Conduction
Chapter 3 - Heat Convection (External + Internal)
Chapter 4 - Heat Exchanger
Chapter 5 - Boiling & Condensations
Chapter 6 - Radiation

1) My Notes For The Subject*
My notes is not perfect.. but as long as I can help anyone out there in need.. I'm good.. hahak #JanganKecamSaya hahak

Lab Reports 

2) Lab Report SOLTEQ Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Unit (HE: 104-PD)
I don't know why I feel too excited in making this report.. I mean.. if you could see.. the calculation and the discussion part is just way too much.. hahak Mr. Lecturer said we could make as many pages as we like.. and do make appropriately for better marks... and tadaaaaa~~~ The longest lab report I ever made.. hahak  



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