CTU101 - Fundamentals Of Islam

I am just sharing the notes I made obviously for my own reading based on the lecture's note and the text book, I used during my study.. during that particular sem.. so it's unavoidable that there could be words and sentences that I copy directly from the books.. There could be some past year exam and questions I did as exercise, but not all of them would be right.. since I do the exercises on my own.. and yes.. there's some we discussed in class.. but there;s still some that we do not.. so please don't solely put your trust on my answer since I didn't even check them with my lecturer whether it's right or not.. Please kindly check the answer with your lecturer.. :)

 The Chapters Cover In The Subject:-

Chapter 1 - Islam Sebagai Ad-Din
Chapter 2 - Aqidah Teras Pembangunan Muslim
Chapter 3 - Syari'ah Dalam Kehidupan Manusia
Chapter 4 - Konsep Ibadah Membina Insan Berkualiti
Chapter 5 - Akhlak Dalam Pembentukan Jati Diri Muslim

 1) My Notes For The Subject
Unfortunately, I didn't make any notes.. I just read the text book and yeah.. go for final.. 

Lab Reports

2) Assignment Pergaulan Dalam Islam 


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